Over 35% of addresses in Ireland share their address with at least one other property, making it difficult for those delivering goods and services to accurately identify the location of an address. Eircode has been designed specifically to overcome this problem. Unlike other countries where postcodes define a cluster or group of addresses, a unique Eircode is assigned to each residential and business address.
Having an Eircode, removes the hassle and mistakes out of finding addresses in Ireland
Most other countries, including The UK, use a code that identifies a group of properties in a small area. Eircode is a much more advanced postcode system, with a unique Eircode for every home and business address which will help everyone find addresses easier.
Bishopsgate’s NEW Irish postcode delivery schedule
Bishopsgate have now embraced this new system and have now designed and recently implemented a fresh new postcode delivery and collection day service throughout the whole of Ireland. Your clients will no longer need to ask what day we will be delivering into a specific area as this is now pre-determined from the beginning. Please ask your key account manager for the latest Irish postcode delivery schedule.
We would encourage you to find the unique Eircode for your consignments to ensure that abortive calls such as ‘wrong address’ or ‘cannot locate address’ quickly becomes a thing of the past.